My husband designed 26 statistics themed icons for the ABC of Statistics poster.

Then, we made some burp cloths for coworkers using those icons. They came out pretty good, so we made some to sell on Etsy.

And to further the fun, my husband thought they would look good as pillow covers. So I made some with fleece, and we like them too. So, they also go to the shop!

I made them out of fleece since it doesn't need to be hemmed on the edges and it comes in many colors. The reason I didn't use felt is just because fleece is softer. I'd rather lay my face against fleece than felt.
They are just covers, over a 16x16 inch pillow form. To avoid zippers, buttons, velcro, etc I made them envelope style, so they have a slit in the back that the pillow slides into. I first tried to put the slit low and on the bottom, but that just pulled funny and didn't work. So I put it right in the middle which works great. (Kind of seems obvious now. It minimizes the pull for each direction.). But I am pleased with how they look! I made three different ones for photos, but there are many designs I could have made.
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